Permanent high-strength solution for patching holes or filling in a trench.
SURFIX DFS is a fast-setting, cementitious repair mortar used for areas where fast repairs are needed. Excellent performance for cold weather repairs, it is recommended for repairs from full slab thickness down to ½” (13 mm).
For areas where fast repairs are needed
Fast-setting, high early strength
Over 2,000 psi in 1 hour, 6,000 psi in a day
From ½” to 2” neat, thicker with gravel

Material Calculator
Extended: For thicknesses of 2" to 8"
50% pea gravel by weight (25lb pea gravel per 50lb bag)
Disclaimer: Designed for thickness range of 0.5" to 2" Neat. For applications greater than 2" SURFIX DFS can be extended up to 8". These calculations are approximations only and do not take into account waste and variations in job site conditions or application.