Need to slope your floor or adjust the elevation?
SURFIX SCREED SET is a polymer-modified, rapid-setting, interior and exterior screed mortar ready to install (just add water). Ideal for ramping transitions or creating screed sloped surfaces, it has a creamy consistency for easy placement and finishing. The quick cure time allows use much sooner than conventional cement-based mortars.
Interior and exterior ramping / screed mortar for ½”-3” thick applications
Ideal for transitions or sloping
Up to 3” neat, 6” extended with gravel
Fast-setting, creamy consistency, can be shaved

Material Calculator
Extended: For thicknesses of 3" to 5"
20% pea gravel by weight (10lb pea gravel per 50lb bag)
Disclaimer: Designed for thickness range of 0" to 3" Neat. For applications greater than 3" SURFIX SCREED SET can be extended up to 5". These calculations are approximations only and do not take into account waste and variations in job site conditions or application.