Verizon Retail Stores
New York, USA
Category: Retail/Shopping
Ten new and existing Verizon Wireless retail stores located across the New Jersey-New York region needed updating. The final results needed to maintain an attractive and modern look. In addition, all of the Verizon shops are popular shopping destinations with consistent high foot traffic loads; the flooring solution called for a very durable and seamless solution.
Products Used
The new concrete floors in all 10 stores were initially prepared using VB 225 FS, an extremely fast-setting moisture vapor reduction system used for projects requiring a very fast turnaround. Three hours after installation of the vapor mitigation system, the floors were primed using PRIMER STX 100 and leveled with LEVELINE 15, a self-leveling underlayment that works ideally as a wear surface in light duty applications for demanding interior applications like the Verizon stores.
Related Press
October 11, 2016 - Verizon Subscribes to the PENETRON Family Plan